Inspirational Messages by Seema M. Dewan The heart is the gift of God that contains in it the whole and complete truth.... God protects all...........The one that prays to Him becomes aware of that protection and leads his life with Self Confidence......... A prayer is a moment of freedom...........freedom from your own thoughts that dictate to you Gods will....... The heart is always so simple.......the mind so complex.........The heart is full of love........the mind so full of doubts........The heart is content .......the mind is always roaming.........Within the heart is the truth........within the mind is always the fear to follow the truth..........You are free when you follow the are miserable when you spend your moments with the mind.......... A pure mind is that which has surrendered to the heart.........A pure mind contains within it the voice of the heart.........nothing else........ The ways of the heart shall always give to you peace of mind..........The ways of the mind shall always give to you pain in the heart....... Those that have a strong mindset shall fail to offer the heartfelt prayer....... Anger, irritability, and confusion are born not because things are not right for you… but because you are failing yourself in keeping your mind content in the spirit of the heart....... If you are looking for peace it is right within you........if you are attempting to create peace from outside of yourself then unknowingly you are creating the restless mind that ignores the simple ways of the heart........ "All is well my Lord.........What is there for me to see when You shall protect me with Your thousand eyes..........What is there for me to fear when You shall save me at the moment that is right........Why must I ask when You have promised to me Your love...........What can I do when Your million hands are at work when I sleep in faith and awaken to prayer..........Where can I go to find Thee when at every moment I walk upon the body of Thee.......I am content for You O Sweet Lord do all that I must.........give to me all that I need........and bless me more than I can know and keep...........All is well my Lord.........You have done for me all ............and I have to hold on to You and Your love and simply believe that You are there and I am well in Thee".............. |